1. Everyone Must Follow the Law 3. Government Must Obey the Law
2. Leaders Must Obey the Law 4. No One Is Above the Law


UNDER THE SECOND AMENDMENT OF THE USA CONSTITUTION “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Gun violence poses a daily threat to our fundamental right to life, claiming the lives of hundreds and thousands people  each day. This epidemic is fueled by the easy accessibility of firearms, whether legally or illegally obtained.

While anyone can fall victim to gun violence, it disproportionately affects marginalized communities, including people of color, men and boys in disadvantaged areas, and other vulnerable groups. Women facing domestic violence involving firearms are particularly at risk of severe harm or death.

The presence of firearms can instill fear and unease, hindering individuals’ ability to access essential services like education and healthcare. Moreover, widespread gun violence disrupts community functions, further impeding access to vital resources. It’s crucial to note that the majority of gun-related deaths occur outside of conflict zones, with a significant portion stemming from suicide and accidents, underscoring the urgent need for preventive measures.

The protection of our human rights hinges on leaders’ commitment to addressing and eradicating the scourge of gun violence and its devastating consequences.

What is gun violence?

Gun violence encompasses acts of violence involving firearms, such as handguns, shotguns, or semi-automatic rifles. It’s estimated that hundreds and thousands of individuals die each day as a result of gun violence, with a significant portion of these deaths occurring in six countries: Brazil, the USA, Venezuela, Mexico, India, and Colombia.

Approximately 71% of all global homicides involve the use of firearms, with young men comprising the majority of both victims and perpetrators. However, women face heightened risk of violence from intimate partners who possess firearms, and sexual violence can also occur at gunpoint.

The injuries inflicted by firearms are often severe, causing long-lasting physical and mental health impacts. Many gunshot victims require extensive and lifelong medical care, while others may lose their ability to work. Unfortunately, access to adequate long-term care and rehabilitation programs is often limited for these individuals.

Take a Stand Against Gun Violence

Addressing gun violence necessitates implementing comprehensive strategies that tackle various contributing factors. These include regulating access to firearms, improving mental health services, implementing interventions within schools and communities, and ensuring effective enforcement of current laws.

Central to the fight against gun violence are violence prevention and intervention initiatives. These programs employ a combination of street outreach, community call-ins, and hospital interventions to provide counseling, support, and mediation to survivors and their families.

National legislation is imperative to replace the current fragmented and inconsistent array of state laws, which leave individuals in certain states more exposed to gun violence than others. We’ve delineated a series of recommendations, including:

  • Comprehensive background checks
  • National regulations for licensing and registering firearms, and required training for gun ownership
  • Ban on semi-automatic assault rifles and other military-grade weapons
  • Investment in evidence-based community violence reduction and prevention programs
  • Mandatory safe-storage laws